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PERFORMANCE 1 - Albury (17th September)
St Matthew's Church, Albury
17 September 2022 at 6:00:00 am
516 Kiewa St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
Wominkeja Birrarunga by Deborah Cheetham AO (2016, rev. 2022)
Sing Joyfully by William Byrd
Hide not thy face by Richard Farrant
The Silver Swan by Orlando Gibbons
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis by John Wilbye
Weep, O mine eyes by John Bennett
Just as the tide was flowing from Five English Folk Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Brightly dawns our wedding day from The Mikado by WS Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan
Faure's Requiem
Sanctus (chorus)
Pie Jesu (soprano solo)
Agnus Dei (chorus)
Libera Me (baritone solo + chorus)
In Paradisum (chorus) + soloists?
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