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Elizabeth the Great | Music of Majesty


1st October 2023 - St. George's Anglican Church - East Ivanhoe

Concert Program


Music Director | Dr. Kathleen McGuire

Soloist | Ruby Mansell - Choralship Recipient

Organ and Piano | Janette Patton

Continuo | Grant Furneaux

Brass | Members of Whitehorse Brass








Praise my soul, the king of heaven

Words by Henry F. Lyte, 1834. Music by John Goss, 1869.

Hymn (with audience)

Based on Psalm 103, the hymn 'Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven' haslong been a favourite of the Royal Family, in particular Queen Elizabeth IIand her father King George VI. It also featured at the wedding of Elizabeth and Prince Philip in 1947.


I was glad when they said unto me (1911)

Words from Psalm 122 vv 1-3,6,7 plus "Vivat Regina Elizabetha". Music by Sir C. Hubert H. Parry.

Accompanied SATB

The text accompanies themonarch's entrance into Westminster Abbeyand was formalised in the 1662Book of Common Prayer.Parry's setting was performed at these coronations: 1902 King Edward VII. 1911 King George V. 1953 QEII. 2023 King Charles III and Camilla. Royal Wedding: 2011 Prince William and Catherine Middleton. QEII Golden Jubilee 2022.


The Lord's my shepherd (1781)

Words from Psalm 23 (Scottish Psalter, 1650). Tune: Crimond by Jessie Seymour Irvine.

SATB (+descant) with organ. With audience.

Psalm 23 was sung to the tune of Crimond atPrincess Elizabeth’s wedding to Prince Philip.She had been taught a descant by a lady-in-waiting Lady Margaret Egerton but the music for it could not be found, so she and Egerton sang it to William McKie to transcribe.







Coronation Gloria in excelsis in B-flat (1911)

Music by Charles Villiers Stanford

SSATB with organ

Composed for the coronation of King George V, 22 June 1911. Also included in the coronations of King George VI on 12 May 1937 and Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953.


O taste and see (1953)

Psalm 34. Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

A cappella motet for Soprano solo and SATB choir. Opt. organ (intro only)

RVW was commissioned to write this new motet for the coronation by the director ofmusicof Westminster Abbey, William McKie.Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IIin Westminster Abbey on Tuesday, 2 June 1953. Also performed at her funeral, September 2022.


O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth (1580)

Words: Psalm 21 vv 2, 4 (adapt.) Music by William Byrd

A cappella motet



Zadock the Priest in Coronation Anthems No 1 (HWV 258) 1721

Words from 1 Kings 1:38–40. Music by Georg Frideric Handel

Accompanied Choir

​Composed in 1727 for the coronation of King George II of England. Sung at QEII's coronation.


​Jerusalem (1916)

Words from the poem "And did those feet in ancient times" (1804) from the preface to Milton: A Poem in Two Books by William Blake. Music by Sir C. Hubert H. Parry.

Unison, accompanied. With audience.

Performed at the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, 29 April 2011.







Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts Z. 58C (1695)

Words: Sentences from the Anglican burial service in the Book of Common Prayer. Music by Henry Purcell.

SATB choir. Opt. continuo.

​Composed for the funeral of Queen Mary, 1695.


​​I vow to thee my country (1918)

Words: Sir Cecil Spring Rice. Music: "Thaxted" from Jupiter (No. 4) of The Planets (1917) Op. 32 by Gustav Holst

Hymn. Unison. Accompanied. With audience.

​Diana, Princess of Wales, requested that the hymn be sung at her wedding to Prince Charles in 1981, saying that it had "always been a favourite since schooldays". It was also sung at her funeral in 1997 and her tenth-year memorial service in 2007. Coronation of King Charles III in 2023. Funeral (moving of the coffin), QEII, 2022.


​My soul, there is a country - Motet I fromSongs of Farewell(1916-1918)

Text by Henry Vaughan.

Music by Sir C. Hubert H. Parry.

​Motet. SATB choir in E minor

Funeral service of QEII, 2022.


​The Lord bless you and keep you

​Music by John Rutter (b. 1945)

​ Anthem. Accompanied.

​Queen Mother's Thanksgiving Service, 100th Birthday, 2000.


​Old 100th

(All creatures that on earth do dwell)

​Words from the from the Genevan Psalter (1551). Music by William Kethe (d. 1594). Arranged by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

​ Hymn. Accompanied. With audience.

​Composed for the coronation of QEII, RVW persuaded McKie to include a hymn with which the congregation could join in, complete with fanfare accompaniment – written by him.

Though this may not seem like a controversial idea today, it was considered such a breach of tradition that it had to be approved by the Queen herself before McKie would agree to it. Luckily she agreed, and The Old Hundred (‘All people that on earth do dwell’) has since become one of the countries best-loved hymns.

The National Service of Thanksgiving to Celebrate The Diamond Jubilee Of Her Majesty The Queen, St Paul's Cathedral, Tuesday 5th June 2012

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